Radio detection of SN2018ivc with VLA and e-MERLIN
ATel #15521; Isaac Mutie (TUK, Nairobi - Kenya), David Williams (JBCA/Manchester, UK), Rob Beswick (JBCA/Manchester, UK), Paul Baki (TUK, Nairobi - Kenya)
on 22 Jul 2022; 14:04 UT
Credential Certification: David Williams (
Subjects: Radio, Supernovae
SN2018ivc was discovered by the DLT40 survey in the nearby galaxy NGC1068 on 24.074-11-2018 (MJD 58446.074), and reported in ATel #12239. We report a coincidental radio detection of SN2018ivc discovered when working on Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) A-array data of NGC 1068 observed on 20.06-01-2021 (MJD 59234.06). We also detected the source on 24.64-03-2022 (MJD 59662.64) with the e-MERLIN array.
The source position from our high sensitivity e-MERLIN data is RA (J2000) = 02:42:41.280 +/- 0.002 and Dec (J2000) = -00:00:31.996 +/- 0.026. The position matches that of SN2018ivc (ATel #12239). Our archival e-MERLIN data from 15.02-01-2018 (MJD 58133.02) does not show the source, confirming its transient nature. To our knowledge, this is the first radio detection of SN2018ivc. We measured a total flux of 9.1 +/- 0.9 mJy and 8.7 +/- 1.3 mJy at 6.5 GHz with the VLA (synthesized beam = 0.29" x 0.23", P.A. = 137.34 deg) and at 6.3 GHz with e-MERLIN (synthesized beam = 0.10" x 0.03", P.A. = 23.21 deg), respectively. Ongoing monitoring observations are underway. We thank the VLA and e-MERLIN schedulers for making these observations.
References: (archival VLA project code: project ID uid://evla/pdb/38677764 - PI: Travis C. Fischer, archival e-MERLIN project code: CY6216 - PI: Robert J. Beswick, new e-MERLIN data project code: CY13006 - PI: Isaac M. Mutie).