VLA resolved radio shell of the slow Galactic nova V1405 Cas (2021)
ATel #15518; Kirill Sokolovsky, Elias Aydi, Laura Chomiuk, Adam Kawash, Jay Strader, Sarah Watson, Caitlyn Emma Gerhard, David-Michael Peterson (MSU), Jennifer Sokoloski (Columbia), Justin Linford (NRAO), Koji Mukai (NASA/GSFC), Kwan-Lok Li (NCKU), Tim O'Brien (JBCA/Manchester), Michael Rupen (NRC)
on 19 Jul 2022; 10:06 UT
Credential Certification: Kirill Sokolovsky (kirx@scan.sai.msu.ru)
Subjects: Radio, Optical, Nova
Referred to by ATel #: 15540
Following the fast optical rise to V=7.5 discovered by Y. Nakamura
on 2021-03-18.4236 UT the nova V1405 Cas showed a series of optical
flares with the brightest one reaching V=5.1 around 2021-05-10
followed by a slow decline to V=11.3 by 2022-07-10
(CBET #4945, ATel #14471, #14472, #14476, #14478, #14482, #14530,
#14577, #14614, #14620, #14622, #14665, #14704, #14794, #15093,
#15111). The GeV emission from V1405 Cas was detected with
Fermi/LAT (ATel #14658). The rising radio emission from V1405 Cas
was followed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA;
ATel #14731, #15150) and the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio
Telescope (uGMRT; ATel #15383).
Our latest VLA epoch firmly places V1405 Cas among the five
brightest novae ever observed in the radio band
(cf. Chomiuk et al., 2021, ApJS, 257, 49). The following flux
densities were measured on 2022-07-04:
f(GHz) S(mJy) err(mJy)
2.6 9.803 0.044
3.4 12.200 0.022
5.1 19.529 0.016
7.0 28.938 0.027
13.7 84.482 0.030
16.5 100.844 0.032
31.1 175.838 0.065
34.9 191.004 0.075
The quoted uncertainties correspond to the RMS noise of
the residual map after CLEANing. No self-calibration was applied
at frequencies below 10 GHz and the flux densities were obtained
from peaks of naturally-weighted CLEAN images of the unresolved
nova emission. We used 3C147 to set the absolute flux density scale
(Perley & Butler, 2017, ApJS, 230, 7) with expected uncertainties
of 15% at 35 GHz and 5% at lower frequencies. The source J2339+6010
(TXS 2336+598) was used as the phase calibrator. The VLA was in its
extended A configuration resulting in the naturally weighted
beam sizes from 0.73"x1.06" at PA=103 deg. to 0.06"x0.07"
at PA=122 deg. at 2.6 and 34.9 GHz, respectively.
The nova shell is clearly resolved in 13.7 to 34.9 GHz images.
The reported flux densities correspond to the sum of all CLEAN
components within the visual extent of the shell.
Phase-only self-calibration was applied for measuring the total
flux density and amplitude self-calibration was applied to produce
the final images.
The 31.1 and 34.9 GHz images show an elliptical edge-brightened
shell extending about 220 mas in the north-east to south-west
direction crossed by a bright band of emission extending about
120 mas along the minor axis of the shell. The 13.7 and 16.5 GHz
images show a center-brightened emission with the extent matching
that at the higher-frequency images.
The VLA images of V1405 Cas may be found here