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Follow-up Hubble Space Telescope Observations of PSN 2022nmr

ATel #15514; Patrick Kelly (UMN), Wenlei Chen (UMN), Masamune Oguri (Chiba), Adi Zitrin (Ben Gurion), Jose M. Diego (Cantabria), Alex Filippenko (UCB), Tommaso Treu (UCLA), Saurabh Jha (Rutgers), Ryan J. Foley (UCSC), Thomas Broadhurst (Basque Country), Anton Koekemoer (STScI)
on 15 Jul 2022; 23:30 UT
Credential Certification: Patrick Kelly (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Supernovae, Gravitational Lensing

In HST F110W imaging taken on May 30, 2022 UT, we detected a source with 25.8+-0.3 mag AB (~5-8 sigma significance, depending on aperture) in a magnified galaxy at redshift z=1.76 in the RX J1347.5-1125 galaxy-cluster field (ATel 15463). As part of a follow-up Director’s Discretionary program (GO-17228), we acquired a half orbit of WFC3 IR F110W imaging, a half orbit of WFC3 IR F160W imaging, as well as five orbits of G102 grism spectroscopy on July 11, 2022 UT. A full orbit of WFC3 UVIS F814W imaging was also attempted, but a guide star was never acquired successfully during the observations. We created difference images by subtracting archival CLASH imaging from the newly acquired F110W and F160W imaging. Within an 0.3-arcsecond radius aperture centered at the position of PSN 2022nmr, we measure an apparent magnitude of 28.1+-1.1 mag AB (detection with significance of only one sigma) in the F110W imaging, and 26.2+-0.4 mag AB (with 2.4 sigma significance) from the F160W imaging. We will continue to monitor the field during three upcoming visits planned through the middle of August, and plan to obtain F140W and F160W during the latter two visits for improved red sensitivity. Analysis of the grism data is ongoing.