Classification of various Gaia-Alerted objects
ATel #15509; M. Dennefeld, C. Pellouin (IAP/Paris & Sorbonne University), H. Dupuis, St. Favard, J. Schmitt (OHP & OSU-Pytheas), C. Adami, D. Russeil (LAM/Marseille)
on 10 Jul 2022; 15:09 UT
Credential Certification: Michel Dennefeld (
Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Quasar
We observed several Gaia Alerted (Hodgkin et al. 2021, A&A, 652, 76) objects during a commissioning run of the new spectro-imager MISTRAL at the 1.93m telescope at Haute-Provence observatory (OHP), during the nights of June 28, 29 and 30, 2022. The blue setting was mainly used, covering the spectral range 406-807nm at a resolution of ~700 (0.2nm per pixel).
Gaia Name | IAU Name | Type | Redshift | Lines seen |
Gaia15aai | --- | QSO | 0.237 | Halpha, [OIII], Hbeta (FWHM ~10000 km/s) |
Gaia19eug | AT2019gvd | Sey1 | 0.121 | Ha (FWHM 3300 km/s), [OIII], Hb, Hgamma |
Gaia20cbv | AT2020jcc | QSO | 0.137 | Single line, identified as MgII |
Gaia21ceq | AT2021lfk | CV | 0 | Ha (FWHM 1800 km/s), Hb, Hg, HeI |
Gaia22coh | AT2022myr | QSO | 0.260 ?| Hb broad, possibly [OIII] |
The measured redshift of Gaia15aai (z=0.237) is at odds with the photometric redshift (z=0.085) mentionned in NED/IPAC but is confirmed by the measurement of Halpha with the red setting of the instrument.
Gaia21ceq resembles a He-Nova, showing the full series of H and HeI lines, resolved, but no N.
Gaia22coh is uncertain and needs confirmation: if the single line is instead MgII, then the redshift would be 1.189.
The nature of Gaia20cbv is confirmed by an existing SDSS spectrum.