Optical follow-up of Fermi J1458.0+4119
ATel #15493; Roberto Nesci (INAF/IAPS Roma Italy)
on 2 Jul 2022; 18:29 UT
Credential Certification: Roberto Nesci (roberto.nesci@inaf.it)
Subjects: Optical, Gamma Ray, Neutrinos, AGN, Blazar
Following the announcement by Buson and Garrappa (ATel#15478) of a Fermi-LAT detection of the source WISEA J145820.77+412101.9, as a possible neutrino emitter IC220624A, I observed the source with the Foligno Observatory (MPC K56) 30cm telescope in the R(Cousins) filter and a QHY174M cooled camera on 2022-07-01T20:38. Exposure time was 600s. The average stellar luminosity profile was well fitted by a 2D gaussian with sigma=2.5 pixels, i.e. 1.54 arcsec.
Aperture photometry with 2.5 arcsec was performed with IRAF/apphot using 27 comparison stars in the field of view taken from the PanSTARRS DR1 catalog (rmag). In this catalog the galaxy is reported at rmag=18.08: our photometry gives rmag=17.56 +-0.06, suggesting a possible luminosity increase in the optical.
Further photometry at shorter wavelengths with larger telescopes could detect an even larger increase, if present, because a non thermal emission component is expected to be more relevant at shorter wavelengths. We remark however that no X-ray flux increase was detected by Swift (ATel#15482).