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The FSRQ B2 1308+326: new absolute maximum at R~12.8 without dimming signs

ATel #15476; V. V. Vlasyuk, O. I. Spiridonova, O. A. Maslennikova, A. S. Moskvitin (Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Rus. Ac. Sci.)
on 28 Jun 2022; 06:24 UT
Credential Certification: Alexander Moskvitin (

Subjects: Optical, Blazar, Quasar

Referred to by ATel #: 15480, 15483, 15492, 15496, 16360

The flat spectrum radio quasar B2 1308+326 is continuing to demonstrate new brightness records. Just two days after maximum R~13.2 (ATel #15474) we registered new achievement --- R~12.8 mag within period of our simultaneous observations with 1-m and 0.5-m telescopes at June 27/28 night.

Starting from R~12.9 mag at MJD=59757.75 (just after sunset) this unique object have reached R~12.80 mag at MJD=59757.82 (about local midnight). Data from our both telescopes are in a good agreement within it's own internal errors (between 0.02 and 0.05 mags due to variable atmospheric extinction).

As before, for 1-m data we used comparison star F, assuming it's R=14.00 mag. Data from 0.5-m telescope were calibrated using by stars A,B,C and F from Smith et al (1985, AJ, 90, 1184) with new attribution.

More accurate reduction is necessary. We strongly encourage further multi-wavelength observations.