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Search for near-infrared counterpart of MAXI J1816-195

ATel #15458; M. Sasada, (TokyoTech), T. Nakaoka, R. Imazawa, K. S. Kawabata (Hiroshima U), K. L. Murata, M. Niwano, N. Kawai (TokyoTech)
on 23 Jun 2022; 09:17 UT
Credential Certification: Mahito Sasada (

Subjects: Infra-Red, Binary, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 15470

We report near-infrared observations of X-ray pulsar MAXI J1816-195. The object was detected in X-ray by MAXI (ATel #15418) and localized by Swift (ATel #15421). The X-ray pulsation from the object was found by NICER (ATel #15425). The object was also searched for the counterpart in wide wavelength; radio (ATel #15437), and optical and near-infrared bands (ATel #15427, #15445). We observed this object on 2022 June 18 in the near-infrared bands (J and Ks) using the Hiroshima Optical and Near-InfraRed camera (HONIR; Akitaya et al. 2014, Proc. SPIE 9147, 91474) attached to the 1.5-m Kanata telescope. We cannot find any near-infrared counterparts, and obtain 5-sigma detection limits of the observations estimated from nearby stars using 2MASS catalogue as follows:

J > 17.3, Ks > 17.0 on 2022-06-18 (MJD 59748.571)

The magnitudes are expressed in the AB system. Aperture photometry is done by Source-Extractor software (Bertin & Arnouts 1996, A&AS, 117, 393.)