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Dimming of classical nova V1369 Cen (Nova Centauri 2013) from ATCA and ASKAP radio observations

ATel #15310; Ashna Gulati (U. Sydney), Tara Murphy (U. Sydney), Yuanming Wang (U. Sydney), James Leung (U. Sydney), Emil Lenc (CSIRO)
on 4 Apr 2022; 04:28 UT
Credential Certification: Tara Murphy (

Subjects: Radio, Nova

We report radio observations of classical nova V1369 Cen, which was identified by J. Seach on 2013 December 2.692 (IAUC # 9265 , CBET #3732). Following multiwavelength observations including radio (see ATels #5685, #6058, #5966, #6413, #5639, #5649), we detected the nova with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope (ASKAP). It was observed as part of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS; McConnell et al. 2021) for three different runs over 1000 days at central frequencies 0.888 GHz (1981 days post-discovery in optical), 1.36 GHz (2615 days post-discovery in optical) and 1.65 GHz (2980 days post-discovery in optical).

We conducted further radio observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) on 2022 February 6 (2985 days post-discovery in optical) at frequencies 2.1, 5.5, 9.0, 16.7 and 21.2 GHz. We report the detections and 5-sigma upper limits below:

Date (UTC)  | Telescope | Freq (GHz)     |  Flux Density (mJy) 
2019-05-06  | ASKAP     | 0.888          | 2.04 ± 0.04 
2021-02-01  | ASKAP     | 1.367          | 1.00 ± 0.18 
2022-01-29  | ASKAP     | 1.650          | 1.01 ± 0.25 
2022-02-06  | ATCA      | 2.868          | 0.81 ± 0.12 
2022-02-06  | ATCA      | 5.500          | 0.40 ± 0.05 
2022-02-06  | ATCA      | 9.000          | 0.26 ± 0.03 
2022-02-06  | ATCA      | 16.700         | < 0.11 
2022-02-06  | ATCA      | 21.200         | < 0.18 

The spectral index was calculated to be -0.9 on 2022 February 6 with a weighted scatter of ~0.93 about the linear fit in radio flux v/s frequency log-log space.

We thank CSIRO staff for supporting these observations.