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Detection of bright bursts from the repeating FRB 20201124A with the Xinjiang Nanshan 26-m radio telescope

ATel #15289; Jianping Yuan(XAO), Jian Li (XAO), Yanling Liu(XAO), Jianwei Mao(XAO), Jiangwei Xu(PKU/NAOC), Pei Wang (NAOC), Zhigang WEN(XAO), Kejia Lee (PKU/NAOC), Na Wang (XAO), Yunpeng Men (MPIfR), Weiwei Zhu (NAOC), Zhiyong Liu (XAO), Maozheng Chen (XAO), Xiang Liu (XAO), Chunfeng Zhang (PKU/NAOC), Xin Pei(XAO), Xuefeng Duan(XAO), Jinlin Han(NAOC), Bing Zhang(UNLV), Di Li(NAOC)
on 20 Mar 2022; 14:43 UT
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Credential Certification: Xiang Liu (

Subjects: Radio, Fast Radio Burst

We report the detection of three bright bursts from the repeating FRB 20201124A with the Nanshan 26-m (NSRT) radio telescope operated by Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO). The three bursts occurred on 28th February,17th March, and 19th March 2022 respectively. The observation were made at L-band with central frequency of 1556.0 MHz and bandwidth of 320 MHz. The average system temperature is 25K. A pulsar backend developed by XAO based on ROACH2, XAO Filter Bank (XFB), is used for recording the data. We used the software package BEAR (Men et al., 2019) and the dispersed dynamic spectra search pipeline based on the deep learning to search for the radio pulse. All the bursts detected with NSRT had peak flux higher than 4 Jy and the total isotropic energy is higher than 3e38 ergs. The total isotropic energy, luminosity, and peak flux of the burst with highest S/N are 2e39 ergs, 3e41 ergs/s, and 10 Jy, respectively. The DM we measured agrees with the previous report (Xu et al. 2022). We note that a burst we detected on 17th March 2022 agrees with the FAST detection (Atel #15288), where the NSRT site time-of-arrival is MJD 59655.42544918 after correcting the DM delay to the infinite frequency with DM=410 pc cm^-3. The pulse shape and search plots are given in the attached figure. Our detection of bright pulses from FRB 20201124A are close to, if not higher than, the previous reported maximal value of ~1E39 erg (Xu et al., 2022), which may indicate that FRB 20201124 is now in an active and energetic state. We encourage other telescopes to perform follow-up observation towards the FRB 20201124A. Plots of the detected bursts can be found at: :5901/fsdownload/knJUAXsFU/png Reference: Men et al., 2019, MNRAS, 488,3957 Xu et al., 2021, arxiv, astro-ph:2111.11764