A possible VLA radio detection of the Tidal Disruption Event AT 2022dbl
ATel #15258; Itai Sfaradi, Assaf Horesh (HUJI), Rob Fender (Oxford)
on 3 Mar 2022; 15:57 UT
Credential Certification: Assaf Horesh (assafh@mail.huji.ac.il)
Subjects: Radio, Transient, Tidal Disruption Event
Referred to by ATel #: 15262
We report the possible detection of radio emission from the TDE AT 2022dbl (TNS report 137565; TNS AstroNote 2022-47).
The Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) conducted a 2 hours observation in BnA->A configuration, under our approved program (PI Horesh), on the 2022-02-26. We performed an analysis of the data using the 3C286 as a flux calibrator and J1219+4829 as a gain calibrator.
A single faint point source is detected in the Ku-band image at RA = 12:20:45.047 Dec = +49:33:04.598, ~0.4 arcsec from the reported position of AT2022dbl, which is consistent with the position of the center of the host galaxy. We report here a flux density of ~0.03 mJy at a central frequency of 15 GHz.
We plan to continue and monitor this source, and encourage further high cadence multi frequency radio observations with other facilities.
We thank the VLA and NRAO staff for scheduling and performing this observation.