PKS 0215+015 optically bright
ATel #15248; Roberto Nesci (INAF/IAPS Roma Italy)
on 28 Feb 2022; 20:56 UT
Credential Certification: Roberto Nesci (
Subjects: Optical, Gamma Ray, Neutrinos, AGN, Blazar
Following the ATel #15243 reporting a bright Gamma-ray state of the blazar PKS 0215+015, probably related to the IceCube 220225A event, I observed the source as soon as the weather conditions allowed, on 2022-02-28T17:56, with the 30cm telescope of the Foligno Observatory (K56), using a QHY174M cooled camera and no filter: the instrumental bandpass is similar to the Gaia G-band. Exposure time was 1200 s.
Differential aperture photometry of the source was performed with IRAF/apphot, using as comparison the Gaia G magnitudes of 30 stars in the field of view.
PKS 0215+015 was clearly detected at G=16.40 +/- 0.12: its Gaia catalog magnitude is 18.79. This AGN is therefore bright also in the optical band, as well as in the radio bands (see ATel #15245, #15247).