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RS Oph emerges from solar conjunction showing great changes

ATel #15169; U. Munari (INAF Padova), P. Valisa and S. Dallaporta (ANS Collaboration)
on 19 Jan 2022; 22:32 UT
Credential Certification: U. Munari (

Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova

After two months of non-observability, RS Oph has recently emerged from the Solar conjunction. We have resumed collecting photometric and spectroscopic data for the ongoing outburst (eg ATel #14834, #14840, #14844, #14855, #14864, #14886) and found RS Oph to have greatly evolved compared to mid-November when it plunged into the conjunction. RS Oph is still tracking closely the photometric evolution of the previous outburst, as shown in this comparison of the lightcurve for the 2021 (ANS Collaboration data) and 2006 outbursts (from Munari et al. 2007BaltA..16...46M). The most recent BVRI observations that we have collected with ANS Collaboration ID 0310 telescope are listed in the table below (days counted from maximum brightness on Aug 09.58 UT), where they are compared with our last measurement before the conjunction and the median values over the 2008-2020 period between the outbursts.

+95.02 Nov 12.70412.046+0.661+1.418+1.887
gap due to solar conjunction
+156.54Jan 13.22113.235+1.555+1.110+2.154
+157.54Jan 14.22013.251+1.498+1.153+2.123
+158.53Jan 15.21813.240+1.489+1.184+2.156
+159.53Jan 16.21413.319+1.541+1.045+2.069
median values in quiescence 2008-2020:

Immediately before the conjunction, RS Oph was still bluer than in quiescence (note that the V-R color was dominated by an extremely strong Halpha), but has turned fainter and redder upon emersion: the nova ejecta that were still providing a substantial contribution to the overall brightness in mid November, have now diluted into the surrounding space. There seems to be less gas now than in quiescence for the still hot WD to ionize, as the cavity emptied by the nova ejecta may have not yet been replenished by the wind of the RG, and the accretion disk may still be reforming.

Echelle spectra of RS Oph have been obtained on 2022 Jan 16.22, 18.23 and 19.21 UT with the Varese 0.84m telescope which is maintaining a tight monitoring since the onset of the outburst (Munari and Valisa 2021, arXiv 2109.01101). The spectrum for Jan 18 is compared here with one from Nov 19, our last observation before the conjunction. The ionization degree has reduced: the strong [FeXI] 7890 has disappeared, [FeX] 6375 has declined to 1/12, while [FeVII] is remaining constant. Other emission lines have reduced in intensity to about 1/3, with the exception of the broad (FWHM=1300 km/s) [OIII] and [NII] lines from the nova ejecta, that keep expanding at constant velocity after breaking free of the RG wind. The triple structure of permitted and narrow emission lines is still well visible in the Balmer lines, less so for the others as the bluer of the three components is becoming lost in the background continuum from the RG.