Erratum to ATel #15141 (Additional Bursts from SGR 1935+2154 Seen by Swift BAT)
ATel #15144; David Palmer (LANL)
on 25 Dec 2021; 23:30 UT
Credential Certification: David M. Palmer (
Subjects: X-ray, Soft Gamma-ray Repeater, Magnetar
In ATel #15141, uncertainty values were omitted in violation of ATel editorial policy, and are given here. (Values in parenthesis are uncertainty in last digit).
All absolute times are quoted for the observed start of the burst, truncated to the UT second, with typical uncertainties in the underlying measurement of approximately 10 milliseconds.
Burst #1 had a flat-topped profile with a total duration of 1.30(1) s, which can be approximately divided into 0.05(1)s of early emission, 0.02(1) seconds of rapid rise, 0.92(2)s of plateau, and 0.31(2)s of irregular fall.
Count rate above background during the plateau was 23.8k counts ± 0.2k statistical error in the average ± ~10% intrinsic variability in the source.
Burst #2 has a duration of 0.03(1) s and a peak of 6.7(8)k counts/s measured on a 10 ms timescale.
Burst #3 has a duration of 0.12(2) s and a peak of 2.5(2)k counts/s measured on a 20 ms timescale.