Spectroscopic Classifications of Optical Transients with Keck I + LRIS
ATel #15019; K. Taggart, S. Tinyanont, K. W. Davis, R. J. Foley (UCSC)
on 6 Nov 2021; 17:42 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Ryan Foley (foley@ucsc.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report the following classifications from spectroscopic observations with the LRIS spectrograph on the Keck I telescope, made on 2021 Nov 6 UT. The targets were supplied by ALeRCE (selected from the ZTF data stream) and the Young Supernova Experiment. The classifications were performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).
Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes
PS21lic | 2021abwm | 08:22:09.57 | +49:00:00.35| 0.094 | Ia | +10 | (1)
PS21ljm | 2021accm | 21:17:06.31 | -00:42:11.72| 0.061 | Ib | +0 | (2)
PS21lkn | 2021aceh | 22:14:05.18 | +06:49:28.41| 0.047 | II | +10 | (3)
ZTF21acimecy| 2021acgo | 00:30:07.60 | +16:09:46.37| 0.10 | Ia | +8 | (4)
ZTF21acizbmv| 2021acgu | 02:41:13.06 | +00:32:53.82| 0.129 | Ia | +8 | (5)
PS21lku | 2021acfj | 02:25:22.64 | -07:50:26.97| 0.054 | Ib | +21 | (6)
PS21lmr | 2021achy | 21:59:28.16 | +02:38:38.30| 0.08 | II | | (7)
PS21ltx | 2021acza | 23:49:08.85 | +24:41:03.24| 0.190 | Ia | -4 | (8)
PS21lub | 2021aczd | 08:48:53.07 | +49:20:58.29| 0.138 | Ia | -2 | (9)
PS21lvt | 2021adnv | 03:26:31.03 | -02:07:14.52| 0.19 | Ia | +5 | (10)
PS21lvu | 2021adnw | 04:08:33.42 | -12:34:43.86| 0.09 | II | | (11)
ZTF21ackmlae| 2021adew | 20:39:06.85 | +00:02:51.09| 0.078 | Ia | -6 | (12)
ZTF21aclyxes| 2021adly | 11:28:41.81 | +35:06:45.50| 0.042 | SN | | (13)
When the redshift is given to 2 decimal places, it is derived from the SN spectrum. Otherwise, the redshift is determined from the host galaxy.
(1) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -11,900 km/s.
(2) We measure an He I 5876 velocity of -10,900 km/s.
(3) We measure an H-alpha absorption velocity of -10,100 km/s.
(4) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -11,700 km/s.
(5) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -10,500 km/s.
(6) Classified as SN on TNS. We refine classification as a Ib.
(7) Blue spectrum indicating an early phase. We measure an H-alpha absorption velocity of -8,900 km/s.
(8) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -10,000 km/s.
(9) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -11,400 km/s.
(10) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -9,200 km/s.
(11) We measure an H-alpha absorption velocity of -11,900 km/s.
(12) We measure an Si II 6355 velocity of -11,200 km/s.
(13) Blue continuum with faint emission features consistent with He II 4686 and N III and/or N V.