A flare of the H2O maser W51M
ATel #15002; Ashimbaeva, Nuriya, Lekht, Evgeny (Moscow State University, Sternberg Astronomical Institute), Tolmachev, Alexandr (Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory)
on 26 Oct 2021; 19:39 UT
Credential Certification: Nuriya Ashimbaeva (nta2@yandex.ru)
Subjects: Radio, Request for Observations, Young Stellar Object
We report a rapid flare of the source of maser radio emission in the H2O line at 22.235 GHz W51M. The source is associated with a young stellar system. Observations were carried out at the 22-meter radio telescope in Pushchino, Russia. The peak flux density of the feature at VLSR = 59.0 km/s was: 2021 September 26 - 6310 Jy; October 19 - 26200 Jy; October 20 - 17250 Jy. This flare was preceded by a significant increase in the flux density at VLSR = 62.4 km/s from 1000 to 6200 Jy.