J1159+2914 (4C +29.45, Ton 599) mm/sub-mm flare
ATel #14781; Seiji Kameno, Paulo Cortes, Edward Fomalont, Ruediger Kneissl, Antonio Hales, Celia Verdugo, Matias Radiszcz, Kurt Plarre, Cristian Lopez, Satoko Takahashi, Jose Fernandez, Jorge Garcia, Charles Hull, Pei-Ying Hsieh, Hugo Messias, David Rebolledo, Gabriel Marinello, Enrique Macias, Juan Cortes, Sergio Martin, Stuartt Corder (Joint ALMA Observatory), Claudia Agliozzo, Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais, Alvaro Ribas, Alejandro Santamaria, Chentao Yang, Eric Villard (European Southern Observatory), Brenda Matthews, Gerald Schieven (National Research Council Canada
on 13 Jul 2021; 14:13 UT
Credential Certification: Seiji Kameno (seiji.kameno@alma.cl)
Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Sub-Millimeter, AGN, Blazar
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has detected a radio flare of the flat-spectrum radio quasar, J1159+2914, also known as 4C +29.45 and Ton 599 at 97.5, 233, and 343.5 GHz. The total flux densities have peaked at 3.81 +- 0.03 Jy and 2.25 +- 0.01 Jy at 97.5 GHz on 2021 Jun 10, and 343.5 GHz on 2021 May 1, respectively. These peak flux densities are more than one order of magnitude brighter than the latest minima of 0.27 Jy and 0.11 Jy on 2019 Oct 9 and 2019 Sep 26, respectively. The polarized flux densities marked the 0.24 +- 0.02 Jy (6.2 +- 0.6%) at 97.5 GHz on 2021 Jun 10 and 0.12 +- 0.01 Jy (5.8 +- 0.3 %) at 343.5 GHz on 2021 Jun 2, respectively. The electric-vector position angle (EVPA) of linear polarization became unstable involving 180-degree rotation while the flux density was increasing, and became stable after the peak. The flare perhaps relates to optical and gamma-ray flare reported in ATel#14696, ATel#14722, ATel#14727, and ATel#14775. See the link on details of mm/sub-mm measurements.