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GMRT observation of SN 2008ax in the L-band

ATel #1474; Sayan Chakraborti (TIFR, Mumbai), Alak Ray (TIFR, Mumbai)
on 13 Apr 2008; 14:42 UT
Credential Certification: Alak Ray (

Subjects: Radio, Supernovae

We report on a Target of Opportunity (ToO) observation of SN 2008ax on 2008 Mar 25 by the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) in the L-band (mean observing epoch 19.25 UT). Radio emission from the SN was not detected. The 2 sigma upper limit of the SN flux at the central frequency of 1397 MHz was 0.45 mJy. The corresponding map rms is 0.225 mJy. We thank the staff of GMRT who made this observation possible. GMRT is run by the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR).