Spectroscopy of Nova V1674 Her on 2021 June 17
ATel #14737; J. Wang (GXU/NAOC), C. Gao (GXU/NAOC), L. P. Xin (NAOC), J. Y. Wei (NAOC)
on 24 Jun 2021; 05:55 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Liping Xin (xlp@nao.cas.cn)
Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Transient, Variables
A low resolution spectrum of the recent bright nova Herculis 2021 (V1674 Her, TCP J185730.95+165339.6), discovered by Seji Ueda (CBAT "Transient Object Followup Reports") on 2021 June 12.537 and spectroscopically identified by Munaei et al. (ATEL#14704), has been obtained by the Beijing Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (BFOSC) mounted on the NAOC 2.16m telescope on 2021 June 17 (UT=2021-06-17T15:55).
The G4 grism was used in the observation, which results in a spectral resolution of about 10 A.
The spectrum shows strong, wide (FWHM~ 5400 km/s) Balmer emission lines (ATEL#14710, Aydi et al.) with a flat-top profile (ATEL #14723, Woodward et al.) that is consistent with a structured ejecta with jet-like geometry (ATEL #14736, Paul et al.). In addition, a lot of broad emission features with a flat-top profile are identified in the spectrum, they are: HeI4471,5876,7065; OI7774,8446, SiII5670,6355 and '4640' bump.
There is no evident FeII features in the spectrum.