Renewed Optical Activity of the Quasar 1156+295 (Ton 599)
ATel #14696; Svetlana Jorstad, and Murdock Hart (IAR, Boston University, USA)
on 10 Jun 2021; 03:12 UT
Credential Certification: Svetlana Jorstad (
Subjects: Optical, Gamma Ray, Blazar
The quasar 1156+295 shows a significant increase of optical activity during the last 4 nights. Observations at the Perkins telescope (PTO, Flagstaff, AZ) show
changes of the magnitude in R band from 15.300+-0.008 on JD 2459371.7012 to
14.251+-0.010 on JD 2459374.6680, with a repeating change of the degree of polarization from night to night from ~5% to ~20%, and a rotation of the position angle of polarization (EVPA) from -12deg to +30deg, while the uncertainty of EVPA is less than 0.5 deg. Multi-wavelength observations are encouraged.