Optical follow-up of GB6 J1058+2817
ATel #14496; Roberto Nesci (INAF/IAPS-Roma)
on 30 Mar 2021; 20:41 UT
Credential Certification: Roberto Nesci (roberto.nesci@inaf.it)
Subjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar
Following the ATel #14491 by R. Angioni regarding a Gamma ray flare of the BL Lac GB6 J1058+2817, detected by Fermi-LAT, I observed the source with the telescope of the Foligno Observatory (K56) on 2021-03-30T19:30. Six comparison stars were taken from the PanSTARRS DR1 catalog and aperture photometry was made with IRAF/apphot.
The source was detected at g=17.41+-0.15 and r=16.99+-0.08, definitely brighter than the ZTF (Lasair) value of March 23 (g=19.0), suggesting a simultanous optical brightening as observed in other BL Lac objects. Observations will be continued in the next days.