Optical brightening of the symbiotic star TX CVn
ATel #14456; Hiroyuki Maehara (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
on 13 Mar 2021; 08:44 UT
Credential Certification: Hiroyuki Maehara (hiroyuki.maehara@nao.ac.jp)
Subjects: Optical, Cataclysmic Variable, Variables
We report an optical brightening of the symbiotic star TX CVn detected with Kamogata Wide-field Survey (KWS; f.l.=105mm lens + SBIG ST-8XME CCD camera for V-band and f.l.=105mm lens + SBIG STT-1603ME CCD camera for Ic-band). According to the KWS archival data between 2011 and 2020, the star was fading gradually after the maximum of the previous outburst (Munari et al. 2014, ATel #5761) and faded from Vmag=9.82 on May 2014 to Vmag=10.20 on May 2020. The recent data show that the star has brightened from V=10.16 on early January 2021 to V=9.85 on 10 March 2021. Our results suggest that the star has entered new active state. Further follow up observations are encouraged.
The KWS photometric data and light curve can be obtained from the following URL: http://kws.cetus-net.org/~maehara/VSdata.py?object=TX+CVn&resolver=&plot=1&obs_ys=&obs_ms=&obs_ds=&obs_ye=&obs_me=&obs_de=&submit=Send+query
KWS light curve of TX CVn