New Possible Variable Nebula in Puppis and an EXOR star
ATel #14408; G. C. Neagu (Calin Popovici Astroclub) and S. Deen (Northern Arizona University)
on 19 Feb 2021; 14:10 UT
Credential Certification: Elias Aydi (
Subjects: Optical, Variables, Young Stellar Object
Referred to by ATel #: 14416
During the data mining process in search of new variable stars, an EXOR-type variable star was found at R.A. = 07h59m15.27s Decl. = -31h08m44.6s. The variability was discovered in ASAS-SN data (V-band).
It is identified as NGCA-V84 = 2MASS J07591526-3108446 = IRAS 07572-3100. The DECaPS images show a nebula around it, that is visible in very red bands (z, y). No transient object was reported in the past within 60 arc sec. There are no variable stars in AAVSO VSX within 3 arcmin from this position. The star has a possible variable nebula around it, the brightness looks to change between 2017/2018, presented in the following link: .
The images are taken with the same exposure time in z-band. Even though the 2018 image shows a slightly lower limiting magnitude, the nebula still seems to be showing variability, but more in detail follow up is needed. For the possible variable nebula, we are proposing the identification name Neagu's Variable Nebula.
The central star is very bright in AIIWISE data, W4= 3.27. The object illuminating the nebula is NGCA-V84. The outburst was in 2016, but was not noticed by the astronomers. Follow up images of the nebula are encouraged.