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Negative superhumps in the cataclysmic variable KR Aur

ATel #14365; S. Boeva, G. Latev, R. Zamanov (Institute of Astronomy and NAO, Bulgaria)
on 2 Feb 2021; 13:58 UT
Credential Certification: R. K. Zamanov (

Subjects: Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable

We report a discovery of negative superhumps in the V light curve of the cataclysmic variable KR Aur with period 3.281 ± 0.005 h (0.13671 d) in January 2021.

Our observations are obtained with the 2.0 m RCC telescope and the 50/70 cm Schmidt telescope at the National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen (Bulgaria) in 4 consecutive nights on 18 - 21 January 2021. The star is in a bright photometric state with average V band magnitude of about 14.2. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram and the PDM analysis reveals a well defined period of 3.281 ± 0.005 h. The period found is significantly shorter than the 3.771 h period of negative superhumps reported by Kozhevnikov (2007, MNRAS, 378, 955).

Fig. 1 shows a 7 hours light curve obtained on 20 January 2021 in V band. The amplitude of variations is 0.4 magnitudes. On Fig. 2 we plot the phase curve of the all V data (from all 4 nights) folded with the detected superhump period P=3.281 h.

Acknowledgment: project KP-6-H28/2 Binary stars with compact object.

Figures: KR Aur - 3.281 h negative superhump.