Swift/BAT detection of increasing activity from SS Cygni
ATel #14344; Mangal Hazra (MCC), Sabyasachi Pal (MCC/ICSP), Bikram Bhunia (MCC) and Debasish Saha (MCC)
on 24 Jan 2021; 15:37 UT
Credential Certification: Sabyasachi Pal (sabya.pal@gmail.com)
Subjects: X-ray, Request for Observations, Nova, Transient
We report the detection of increasing activity from dwarf nova SS Cygni using the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) on the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. The BAT (15-50 keV) recorded highest flux in last 20 months with 0.020±0.005 counts/cm2/sec (90 mCrab) on 59237 (23rd January 2021). Last time the source recorded more than 90 mCrab flux from BAT on 58627 (24th May 2019) with 0.028±0.015 counts/cm2/sec.
SS Cygni did not show significant variation in soft X-ray. We study the present flare of the source using MAXI/GSC. On 59237 (23rd January 2021), the 1 day averaged X-ray flux in 2-20 keV and 4-10 keV were 21±13 mCrab and 34±18 mCrab respectively. The flux of the source at hard X-ray range (15-50 keV, observed by SWIFT/BAT), is comparatively high than flux measured in soft X-ray range (2-20 keV, observed by MAXI). The hardness ratio in MAXI/GSC energy band (2-20 kev/2-4 keV) varies between 2.56-1.79 during 59236-59237 MJD.
Further observations in all wavelengths are encouraged.
SWIFT/BAT Light curve of SS Cyg