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Radio detection of SN 2020acat

ATel #14270; R. Alsaberi (Western Sydney University), S. D. Ryder (Macquarie University), M. D. Filipovic (Western Sydney University), E. Kundu (ICRAR/Curtin University), G. Anderson (ICRAR/Curtin University), C. Stockdale (Marquette University), K. Maeda (University of Kyoto), M. Renaud (LUPM, CNRS/IN2P3), R. Kotak (University of Turku)
on 16 Dec 2020; 22:55 UT
Credential Certification: Stuart Ryder (

Subjects: Radio, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 14314

The Type IIb supernova SN 2020acat (TNS AstroNotes 2020-248, 2020-249) in PGC 037027 has been observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) on 13 Dec 2020 from UT 17:00 to 21:00, just 4 days after discovery. We detected a radio source at a position consistent with that measured optically, and flux densities of 0.17 +/- 0.02 mJy and 0.51 +/- 0.04 mJy at 5.5 and 9 GHz, respectively. The spectral index suggests the source is still optically thick at these frequencies, and radio follow-up will continue. We would like to extend our thanks to the ATCA staff for enabling these observations. The ATCA is part of the Australia Telescope National Facility which is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO.