Spectroscopic confirmation and photometry of the recent nova M31 2020-11d (PNV J00393008+4031002) and AT 2020zcs (= XM44MZ)
ATel #14198; S. Fabrika, O. Sholukhova, A. Sarkisyan, A, Vinokurov, Yu. Solovyeva, N. Tikhonov (SAO RAS)
on 19 Nov 2020; 07:18 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Sergei Fabrika (fabrika@sao.ru)
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Variables
We report optical spectroscopic confirmation of the nova M31 2020-11d (PNV J00393008+4031002) announced in ATel #14184.
The spectral data were obtained on 2020 Nov. 15.885 UT using the Russian BTA telescope equipped with the SCORPIO spectrograph. The spectrum was taken with a resolution of 5.3 Å in the 3700 - 5440 Å blue range. The widths were corrected for spectral resolution. The photometry of the nova was obtained just before the time of the BTA spectrum with the same device and gave B = 18.72 ± 0.05, V = 18.79 ± 0.07, Rc = 18.24 ± 0.06.
The nova shows Balmer emission lines: H-beta (FWHM = 1250 ± 100 km/s), H-gamma (FWHM = 1520 ± 100 km/s) when observing. Very many Fe II lines together with 4924 Å and 5018 Å are characterized by FWHM = 1250 ± 150 km/s. We have found emission lines CaII (3934, 3968 Å), AlII (3901, 4663 Å), MgI (3835, 5178 Å) and MgI] (4571 Å). We conclude that the M31 nova 2020-11d belongs to the Fe II class.
AT 2020zcs (= XM44MZ) the photometry data were obtained on 2020 Nov. 15.903 UT using the Russian BTA telescope equipped with the SCORPIO spectrograph. The photometry of nova was found with Rc = 21.23 ± 0.16.