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Spectroscopic classification of transients from ZTF

ATel #14190; Monika Soraisam (NCSA/UIUC), Kevin McKinnon, Rafael Nunez, Puragra Guhathakurta, Stephanie Figuereo (UCSC), Chien-Hsiu Lee (NOIR Lab), Sarah DeSantis (Steward), Tim Marquez (UCSB)
on 17 Nov 2020; 17:17 UT
Credential Certification: Monika Soraisam (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

We report the spectroscopic observations of the following sources from the SALVATION project. They were flagged from the ZTF public alert stream by the ANTARES alert-broker. The spectra were obtained on 2020 Nov 16 UT with the Kast double spectrograph on the Shane 3 m telescope at Lick Observatory.

Name          | IAU Name   | RA (J2000)   | Dec (J2000)   | z      | Type (Phase)   | Notes 
ZTF20acpvbbh  | AT 2020znl | 6h13m17.90s  | -15d53m31.41s | 0.04   | Unknown/TDE?   | 1 
ZTF20acpmtjf  |  --        | 4h58m59.77s  | +41d49m50.26s | 0      | Dwarf nova     | 2 
ZTF20acpgzif  | AT 2020zci | 7h54m17.53s  | +40d07m20.20s | 0.07   | Ia (near max)  | 3 
ZTF20acpeyoo  | AT 2020yyq | 9h36m28.94s  | +47d54m53.38s | 0.05   | Ia-csm?        | 4 

1. Spectrum shows a blue continuum with a broad emission around He II 4686 and a weaker H-alpha emission, but is otherwise featureless (light curve link
2. Spectrum shows Balmer lines with a blue continuum; H-alpha is in emission, while the higher-order Balmer lines are in absorption (
3. Classification was performed with DASH (Muthukrishna et al. 2019, arXiv:1903.02557;
4. Same as item 3. The spectrum is likely contaminated by host light though (