Detection of AT2020xnd at 34 GHz
ATel #14163; Dougal Dobie (Swinburne), Andrew O'Brien (UWM), Anna Ho (UC Berkeley), Daniel A. Perley (LJMU), David Kaplan (UWM), Yuhan Yao (Caltech), Vikram Ravi (Caltech)
on 9 Nov 2020; 22:43 UT
Credential Certification: Dougal Dobie (
Subjects: Radio, Millimeter, Supernovae, Transient
We observed the field of the transient AT2020xnd (ATel #14105) from 06:30-12:30 UTC on 2020-11-07 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Observations were carried out in a hybrid correlator mode, with one band centered on 33 GHz with 2048x1 MHz channels and a second band centered on 35 GHz with 32x64 MHz channels. A single zoom band with 2048x32 kHz channels was centered at 35 GHz to allow for delay calibration of the continuum band.
A source is clearly detected at the location of AT2020xnd in each band, and we report a flux density of 310 +/- 20 uJy at 34 GHz after combining both bands.
Further observations are planned. Thank you to CSIRO staff for supporting these observations.