NuSTAR observation of the newly discovered magnetar SGR 1830-0645
ATel #14092; F. Coti Zelati, A. Borghese, N. Rea (ICE-CSIC, IEEC), G. L. Israel (INAF), P. Esposito (IUSS Pavia), on behalf of a larger collaboration.
on 13 Oct 2020; 20:38 UT
Credential Certification: Alice Borghese (
Subjects: X-ray, Neutron Star, Soft Gamma-ray Repeater, Transient, Magnetar
NuSTAR observed the newly discovered magnetar SGR 1830-0645 (ATEL #14083, #14085, #14086) on October 12 starting at 07:45:00 UTC and ending at 23:25:00 UTC, for an effective exposure time of 29.4 ks. The source is detected across the energy interval 3-25 keV in the quick look data, at a net count rate of about 1.5 counts/s in the same band (summing up the two focal plane modules).
In a preliminary timing analysis we detected coherent pulsations at a period of 10.41570(3) s (the uncertainty on the value is quoted at a confidence level of 1 sigma).
We modelled the X-ray spectrum using a blackbody plus power law model, corrected for absorption. We fixed the absorption column density at the value measured with NICER, nH = 1.3 x 1022 cm-2 (ATEL #14086), and obtaining the following best-fitting parameters: blackbody temperature of kT = 1.05+/-0.01 keV and photon index of 1.6+/-0.2 (uncertainties at 1 sigma c.l.). The observed flux is about 3 x 10-11 erg cm-2 s-1 (3-25 keV).
We thank the NuSTAR PI, Fiona Harrison, for approving the DDT request, and the NuSTAR SOC for carrying out the observation and the excellent support.