Upper limit to radio bursts from SGR 1935+2154 (ATEL 14074) by STARE2
ATel #14077; Christopher D. Bochenek (Caltech), S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech), V. Ravi (Caltech), D. McKenna (Caltech), G. Hallinan (Caltech), K. Belov (JPL) & J. Kocz (UCB)
on 9 Oct 2020; 04:25 UT
Credential Certification: Shri Kulkarni (srk@astro.caltech.edu)
Subjects: Radio, Neutron Star, Magnetar
In ATel #14074 CHIME/FRB reports the detection of 3 radio bursts from SGR J1935+2154 at 02:23:41.975, 02:23:43.924, and 02:23:44.878 UTC. STARE2 searches between 1.28 GHz and 1.53 GHz for radio bursts with durations between 0.065--33.5 ms. STARE2's station at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory was operating at the time of these bursts and did not report any candidate bursts within 2 minutes of the reported bursts. We visually inspected all candidates within 1 hour of the reported bursts (none of which had a dispersion measure close to the value expected for SGR J1935+2154) and did not find any convincing candidates. We note that there was not an excess of RFI at the time of the burst and any burst with S/N > 7.3 would likely have been detected. We set a 7.3 sigma upper limit of 170 kJy ms on the fluence of a 1 ms burst at the times of the three CHIME bursts.