Near-infrared spectroscopy of Nova Cas 2020; the persistence of Carbon Monoxide emission
ATel #14006; D. P.K. Banerjee (PRL, India), Melissa Shahbandeh (Florida State Univ.), A. Evans (Keele Univ.), Eric Hsiao (Florida State Univ.)
on 11 Sep 2020; 14:07 UT
Credential Certification: Dipankar P.K. Banerjee (
Subjects: Infra-Red, Nova
We report near infrared spectroscopic measurements of Nova Cassiopeiae 2020 (=TCP J00114297+6611190) obtained on 2020-09-02.614 UT from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The observations, covering the wavelength range 0.7-2.5 microns, were acquired with the SpeX instrument in the cross-dispersed mode at R = 1200. The spectrum is typical of the Fe II class of novae, rich in CI lines
while also displaying the other usual lines of HI, OI, NI and NaI. HeI 1.083 micron and 2.059 micron are present but weak. P-Cygni features are absent or very weakly seen in some of the lines (e.g OI 1.3164 micron). The observed FWHM and FWZI of the Paschen beta 1.2818 micron line, which shows a double peaked structure, are 770 and 1930 km/s respectively. The first overtone CO emission reported in ATel #13967 still persists with the 12CO and 13CO band heads well resolved. There is still no definitive evidence for dust.