Spectroscopic classifications of SN 2020qmp and SN 2020gzy by NUTS2 (NOT Un-biased Transient Survey-2)
ATel #13912; A. Reguitti (Univ. Andres Bello), A. Pastorello (INAF-OAPd), R. Kotak, T. Reynolds, S. Williams (Univ. of Turku), M. Stritzinger (Aarhus Univ.)
on 1 Aug 2020; 11:22 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Andrea Pastorello (andrea.pastorello@oapd.inaf.it)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
The NUTS2 collaboration (Holmbo et al. 2019, ATel #12661) reports the spectroscopic classifications of SN 2020qmp in the spiral galaxy UGC 7125 (PGIR20eid; De et al. 2020, ATel #13909), and SN 2020gzy in the LIRG galaxy UGC 8335, member of a galaxy pair (a.k.a. PS20bvy; Smartt et al. 2020, TNSAN, 82, 1). The candidates were provided by the Palomar Gattini-IR survey (Moore and Kasliwal 2019, NatAs, 3, 109) and the Pan-STARRS Search for Kilonovae (Smartt et al. 2019, AstroNote 2019-48), respectively.
The observations were performed with the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope equipped with ALFOSC (range 340-980 nm; resolution 1.4 nm), on 2020-07-31.89 UT (SN 2020qmp) and 2020-07-31.92 UT (SN 2020gzy).
IAU Name | Survey name | Redshift | Discovery (UT) | Discovery mag | Type | Phase | Notes
SN 2020qmp | PGIR20eid | 0.003572 | 2020-07-30.16 | 14.74 (J) | SN II | 5 d | (1)
SN 2020gzy | PS20bvy | 0.030831 | 2020-04-10.48 | 19.41 (i-sloan) | SN II | 4 months | (2)
(1) In agreement with the description in ATel #13911, our new spectrum shows a blue continuum, with broad Balmer and He I 5876 lines featuring P Cygni profiles typical of a young Type II SN. The expansion velocities of the ejecta, measured from the position of the minimum of the broad P Cygni profiles, are 12000 km/s for Halpha, 10000 km/s for Hbeta, and 9000 km/s for He I 5876. The redshift of UGC 7125 (z = 0.003572) is from De Vaucouleurs et al. 1991, RC3, 9.
(2) The low signal-to-noise spectrum resembles the spectra of other well-studied Type II SNe obtained during the H recombination phase, and exhibits Balmer, Na ID, Ca II, Fe II and Sc II lines, all with P Cygni profiles. Although the earliest Pan-STARRS detection is dated over 110 days ago, the continuum is still moderately blue, and does not show the classical nebular [Ca II] feature yet. The expansion velocity of the ejecta, measured from the position of the P Cygni minimum of the Halpha line is 4300 km/s, while that inferred for the broad Na ID doublet is 3100 km/s. The redshift of UGC 8335 (z = 0.030831) is from De Vaucouleurs et al. 1991, RC3, 9.