Photometry and spectroscopy of Nova Cas 2020 (TCP J00114297+6611190)
ATel #13905; U. Munari (INAF Padova), A. Siviero (Univ. Padova), A. Vagnozzi (ANS Collaboration), K. Sokolovsky and E. Aydi (MSU)
on 30 Jul 2020; 09:01 UT
Credential Certification: U. Munari (
Nova Cas 2020 (=TCP J00114297+6611190) has been discovered on 2020 Jul
27.930 UT on images taken with an F=135mm f/2.0 telephoto lens as part of the
NMW survey (Sokolovsky et al. 2014, ASPC, 490, 395), and classified as a
FeII-type nova on spectra taken with SAI 2.5m telescope on July 29.025 UT
(ATel #13903).
On July 30.026 UT, we have obtained BVRI photometry of Nova Cas 2020 with
ANS Collaboration telescope ID 1301. The data, fully transformed to the
Landolt system, provide B=15.443, V=13.828, R=12.596, I=11.529 with a total
error budget (Poissonian + transformation equations) less than 0.01 mag in
all bands. Comparison with BVR photometry for July 28.923 UT reported in
ATel #13904 suggests a decline of 0.17 mag in V. The observed color
B-V = +1.615, compared with the intrinsic color of novae at maximum brightness
as derived by van den Bergh and Younger (1987, Astron. Astrophys. Sup.
70, 125), suggests a large reddening amounting to E(B-V)=1.39 mag.
An high quality, high S/N spectrum of Nova Cas 2020 has been obtained on
July 29.960 UT, over the 3400-7900 Ang range and at 2.31 Ang/pix dispersion,
with the Asiago 1.22m telescope. The spectrum is dominated by a red
continuum with minimal photospheric absorption lines and absence of P-Cyg
absorptions for all emission lines but OI 7772, for which the absorption is
placed at -385 km/s from the photocenter of the emission. All emission
lines appear rather sharp, with an average FWHM of about 500 km/s (corrected
for instrumental resolution). Compared with the description in ATel #13903
for the July 29.025 UT spectrum taken with SAI 2.5m telescope, in our
spectrum 23 hours later the emission in NaI and the P-Cyg absorption in
Halpha have gone, and HeI has emerged in emission. The large interstellar
extinction is quite evident in the significant strength of Diffuse
Interstellar Bands. The integrated absolute flux (erg cm-2 s-1) of some
representative emission lines observed in our spectrum is given in the
lambda | line | flux |
7772 | OI | 7.043E-13 |
6563 | Halpha | 3.543E-12 |
5876 | HeI | 2.154E-14 |
5682 | NII 3 | 1.360E-14 |
5169 | FeII 42 | 6.176E-14 |
4861 | Hbeta | 2.544E-13 |
4583 | FeII 38 | 1.545E-14 |
4340 | Hgamma | 6.070E-14 |
4101 | Hdelta | 2.268E-14 |