Optical identification of IGR J00333+6122 as a Seyfert 1 AGN
ATel #1375; P. Parisi, N. Masetti, R. Landi (INAF/IASF, Bologna), A. Bazzano (INAF/IASF, Rome), A. J. Bird (Univ. Southampton) and R. Walter (ISDC, Versoix)
on 1 Feb 2008; 15:26 UT
Credential Certification: Nicola Masetti (masetti@iasfbo.inaf.it)
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Gamma Ray, AGN
We report on an optical spectroscopic follow-up observation of source
USNO-A2.0 1500_00589511, positionally coincident with the Swift/XRT and
Chandra/HRC-I X-ray source #1 reported in Landi et al. (ATel #1322) and
in Jonker & Kuiper (ATel #1326) respectively, and likely associated with
the INTEGRAL source IGR J00333+6122/J00335+6126 (Kuiper et al. ATel #939;
Bird et al. 2007, ApJS, 170, 175).
The observations were performed on 2008 January 5, starting at
22:34 UT, with the William Herschel Telescope (located in Canary
Islands, Spain) plus ISIS-Red Arm using Grism R158R and a 1.5 arcsec
slit. The total exposition time was 2000 s.
The optical spectrum, which covers the useful range 5300-9000
Angstroms, shows several emission features, among which a very broad
(observed FWZI ~ 680 Angstroms) Halpha+[NII] complex as well as
narrow [OIII] lines. Using the narrow emission features, we
determine a redshift z=0.105+-0.001 for the source.
The Swift/XRT and Chandra/HRC-I X-ray source #2 (Landi et al.
ATel #1322; Jonker & Kuiper, ATel #1326) within the IBIS error
circle of IGR J00333+6122 is instead associated with star
TYC 4015-206-1 of intermediate spectral type without peculiar
spectral features (Masetti et al., ATel #941).
This, together with its soft X-ray spectrum points out that this
source is not a symbiotic X-ray binary, but more likely a star with
coronal emission, and rules out its association with IGR J00333+6122.
From all of the above we thus identify the hard X-ray source
IGR J00333+6122 with the Seyfert 1 AGN USNO-A2.0 1500_00589511.
We thank P. Rodriguez-Gil and A. Cardwell for Service Programme
observations performed with the WHT.