A new absorption component in the H-alpha line profile of eta Carinae
ATel #13639; Augusto Damineli (IAG/USP), Felipe Navarete (IAG/USP), Bernard Heathcote (SASER), Giorgio Di Scala (SASER), Ken Harrison (SASER), Giorigo Di Scala (SASER), Mark Johnston (SASER), Padric McGee (SASER/Adelaide Uni.), Paulo Cacella (SASER), Terry Bohlsen (SASER), Markus Rabus (LCOGT), Tim Brown (LCOGT)
on 15 Apr 2020; 23:51 UT
Credential Certification: Felipe Navarete (navarete@usp.br)
Subjects: Optical, Binary, Star, Variables
Based on a high signal-to-noise and high plus intermediate resolution (R=100,000 and R>6,000) ground-based monitoring of eta Carinae periastron (ATEL #13508, ATEL #13600), we report the following results:
The narrow absorption at -138 km/s (FWHM=25 km/s), believed to be formed in the Little Homunculus, reached zero intensity already during the past orbital cycle. It did not show up during the low excitation phase after the periastron passage on 2020 April 17th.
This work is sponsored by FAPESP Foundation under projects 2019/02029-2 (AD) and 2017/18191-8 (FN).