Spectroscopic classification of AT2020eqc and AT2020fhj
ATel #13614; L. Izzo, C. Angus, S. Bruun, K. Auchettl, J. Hjorth (DARK/NBI), P. Ochner (Padova Univ.)
on 3 Apr 2020; 11:36 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Luca Izzo (luca.izzo@gmail.com)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report the spectroscopic classification of AT2020eqc and AT2020fhj.
The observations were performed with the Asiago 1.82m Copernico Telescope using the AFOSC spectrograph (range 340-820 nm, resolution 1.4 nm) and started on 2020-04-03.04 UT. The targets were supplied by ALeRCE using the public ZTF stream and by the YSE survey (ATel #13330), respectively. Both targets are also reported in the Transient Name Server (TNS).
Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes
2020eqc | 15:32:44.41 | +04:44:47.85 | 0.0415 | Ia-norm | 0 |
2020fhj | 16:08:35.21 | +29:00:46.30 | 0.0850 | Ic-BL | 0 | *
* match with SN2003jd