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A new outburst of XTE J1812-182 detected by INTEGRAL/JEM-X

ATel #13581; J. Chenevez, J. Hammershoej Beck, J. Skriver Olsen (DTU Space, Denmark), C. Sanchez-Fernandez (ESAC, Spain), F. Onori (INAF-IAPS Roma, Italy), V. A. Lepingwell (Univ. Southampton, UK), on behalf of the INTEGRAL GPS group
on 23 Mar 2020; 15:59 UT
Credential Certification: Jerome CHENEVEZ (

Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient

INTEGRAL/JEM-X has detected in recent observations of the Scutum Region (revolution 2206 on March 18) and Galactic Center (revolution 2208 on March 22) the X-ray burster XTE J1812-182 = XMMU J181227.8-181234 (e.g. Goodwin et al. 2019, MNRAS 486 4149 and references therein) in a new outburst. The latest outburst recorded from this source occured in 2008 (see also in 't Zand +17, ATel #10567).

During the observation of the Scutum Region (PI A. Bazzano) XTE J1812-182 was detected at a 7 sigma significance in the combined JEM-X mosaic for a total effective exposure on the source of 16 ks. We derive fluxes of 30 +/-3 mCrab and 11 +/-4 mCrab in the 3-10 keV and 10-25 keV energy bands, respectively.
During the observation of the Galactic Center (PI J. Wilms) XTE J1812-182 was detected at a 16 sigma significance in the combined JEM-X mosaic for a total effective exposure on the source of 6 ks. We measure fluxes of 60 +/-5 mCrab and 14 +/-4 mCrab in the 3-10 keV and 10-25 keV energy bands, respectively.

These results suggest that the 3-10 keV source intensity has doubled in four days, which may indicate that XTE J1812-182 is entering the high-soft phase of a new outburst.
We do not see any X-ray burst in the JEM-X light curves.

The source is not visible in ISGRI mosaic images. The 22-60 keV flux upper limit from the statistics in a region with radius =0.5 deg around the source coordinates is flux_22_60 <9 mCrab at 95% confidence level.

A requested Swift/XRT ToO observation will soon be performed in order to extend the flux measurement below 3 keV.