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VLA X-band Detection of SN2020bvc

ATel #13496; Anna Y. Q. Ho (Caltech)
on 17 Feb 2020; 19:04 UT
Credential Certification: Anna Ho (

Subjects: Radio, Supernovae

Referred to by ATel #: 13509

On UT 2020 Feb 16 the Very Large Array (VLA) observed the position of SN2020bvc (ASASSN-20bs), a nearby (d=110 Mpc) broad-lined Ic supernova (Perley et al. Astronote #2020-37). The X-band image RMS was 4 uJy in 24 minutes of on-source time.

A point source was detected at the position of SN2020bvc with a flux density of 66 uJy in X-band, corresponding to a luminosity of 1.3E27 erg/s/Hz. This is close to the radio luminosity of SN2006aj at a similar frequency and epoch (two weeks post-explosion).

Thank you to the VLA staff for rapidly scheduling and executing these observations.