VLA observation of SRGt J123822.3-253206
ATel #13485; Anna Y. Q. Ho (Caltech)
on 15 Feb 2020; 02:34 UT
Credential Certification: Anna Ho (ah@astro.caltech.edu)
Subjects: Radio, Gamma-Ray Burst, Transient
On 4 February 2020 UT the VLA observed the position of SRGt J123822.3-253206, a short-duration bright X-ray transient discovered by the Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) mission (Semena et al. ATEL #13415, Wilms et al. ATEL #13416). The observation was carried out under Director's Discretionary Time (Program ID 19B-349; PI A. Ho). In 20 minutes of on-source time, the image RMS was 5 uJy and two sources were detected in the 10-arcsecond localization region:
Source A: 98 uJy, RA (J2000) 12h38m22.599s, Dec (J2000) -25d32m10.29s
Source B: 35 uJy, RA (J2000) 12h38m22.176s, Dec (J2000) -25d32m10.97s
Source A is coincident with a red source in Pan-STARRS DR2, which is also detected in WISE. Source B has no counterpart in Pan-STARRS DR2.
Thank you to the VLA staff for approving and scheduling these observations.