Further Konus-Wind observations of Galactic transient GRS 1915+105 in outburst
ATel #13316; A. Ridnaia, S. Golenetskii, R. Aptekar, D. Frederiks, M. Ulanov, D. Svinkin, A. Tsvetkova, A. Lysenko (Ioffe Institute), and T. Cline
on 27 Nov 2019; 12:21 UT
Credential Certification: Anna Kozlova (ann_kozlova@mail.ioffe.ru)
Subjects: X-ray, Black Hole, Transient
On November 20, 2019 Konus-Wind (KW) detected, within the time interval of ~2 hours,
three hard X-ray bursts with durations of several hundreds of seconds. Taking into
account that one of these bursts was observed by NICER (Atel #13308) and is due to
GRS 1915+105; and consistency of the KW ecliptic latitude response with the position
of GRS 1915+105, we suggest that the flaring activity observed by KW is due to GRS 1915+105.
There are one more possible weak/soft episode of the source activity at 02:12.
The following is a list of the Konus-Wind detected episodes with preliminary estimates
of the burst fluences.
Date Tstart(UT) Tstart(MJD) Duration(s) Fluence (20-1000 keV; 1e-5 erg/cm2)
2019-11-20 04:47 58806.699 ~383 1.6 +/- 0.1
2019-11-20 05:37 58806.734 ~836 1.3 +/- 0.2
2019-11-20 06:23 58806.766 ~589 1.1 +/- 0.2
The KW light curves of the flares and power-law index evolution during the observed
light curve (the PL index errors are 68% CL) are provided at the link below.
Further KW observations of the activity of the source will be reported.
All the presented results are preliminary.
Konus-Wind is a gamma-ray spectrometer operating onboard the NASA GGS-WIND spacecraft
since November 1994. It contains two NaI scintillation detectors continuously observing
the whole sky and covers the energy band from ~20 keV to ~15 MeV.
GRS 1915+105 Konus-Wind waiting mode lightcurve