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Erratum to ATEL#13208

ATel #13214; V. Doroshenko (IAAT, Germany), S. Tsygankov (University of Oulu, Finnland)
on 22 Oct 2019; 16:50 UT
Credential Certification: Victor Doroshenko (

Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 13255

It was brought to our attention that the ATEL#13208 was submitted without a title, which should read "NuSTAR follow-up observations of Swift J1845.7-0037: confirmation of 200s pulsations and non-detection of a cyclotron line". Furthermore, more detailed analysis revealed an error in spin period determination, which is now estimated at 207.381s. The updated period implies also more complex pulse profile shape, particularly in soft band. The detailed analysis of NuSTAR data is ongoing and will be published elsewhere.