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Spectroscopic classification of TCP J05293666-7009566 as a likely classical nova in the LMC

ATel #12963; E. Aydi, J. Strader, L. Chomiuk, A. Kawash, K. V. Sokolovsky, L. Shishkovsky (MSU)
on 29 Jul 2019; 20:31 UT
Credential Certification: Elias Aydi (

Subjects: Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Star, Transient, Variables

We report on optical spectroscopic observations of the transient TCP J05293666-7009566 which was discovered by C. Jacques et al. (Brazilian Transient Search - at SONEAR Observatory, Oliveira, Brazil; CBAT) on 2019-07-27.35 UT at 12.6 unfiltered mag.

We obtained two spectra of low (R ~ 900) and medium (R ~ 5000) resolution of TCP J18200437-1033071 with the Goodman spectrograph on the 4.1 m SOAR telescope on 2019-07-29.38. The spectra show a blue continuum and P Cygni lines of H I, Fe II (37, 42, 74), Na I, and O I. We also detect several strong absorption features that we could not identify and are possibly of Transient Heavy Element Absorption (THEA) elements (e.g., Williams et. al 2008 ApJ, 685, 451). The center of the Balmer absorption lines are at a velocity of ~ -200 km/s from the rest velocity, while the center of the emission lines are at ~ +270 km/s from the rest velocity (both without correction for the LMC radial velocity). The FWZI of the P Cygni profiles (absorption + emission) are ~ 1250 km/s (corrected for the instrumental width).

The identified P Cygni profiles and the blue continuum suggest that TCP J05293666-7009566 is likely a classical nova on the rise to maximum light. The radial velocities of the emission lines (270 km/s) are consistent with the LMC radial velocity.

The SOAR/Goodman spectrum of TCP J18200437-1033071