Detection of SN 2006jd in X-Rays with Swift
ATel #1290; S. Immler (NASA/CRESST/GSFC), P. J. Brown (PSU), A. V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), and D. Pooley (U of Wisconsin), on behalf of the Swift satellite team
on 19 Nov 2007; 23:00 UT
Credential Certification: Stefan Immler (
Subjects: Optical, Ultra-Violet, X-ray, Supernovae
Referred to by ATel #: 1420
Swift Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) and X-Ray Telescope (XRT) observed the type-IIb SN 2006jd (CBET #673, CBET #679, but reclassified by Filippenko as type-IIn based on recent optical Keck spectra) on 2007-11-16.73 UT. A bright X-ray source is detected in the 2.3 ks XRT observation at the position of the SN, well offset (22 arcsec) from the nucleus of the host galaxy UGC 4179. The XRT net count rate is (6.3+/-2.0)E-03 cts/s, corresponding to an unabsorbed (0.2-10 keV band) X-ray flux of (3.4+/-1.1)E-13 erg/cm/cm/s and a luminosity of (2.5+/-0.8)E41 erg/s for an adopted thermal plasma spectrum with a temperature of kT = 10 keV, a Galactic foreground column density of N_H = 4.5E+20 (Dickey & Lockman, 1990, ARAA 28) and a distance of 79 Mpc (z=0.018556, NED; H_o = 71 km/s/Mpc, Omega_M = 1/3, Omega_L = 2/3).
The following approximate UVOT magnitudes were measured in observations beginning at 2007-11-16.73 UT: v = 19.1±0.4 (173 s exposure time), b = 19.3±0.3 (173 s), u = 18.2±0.3 (173 s), uvw1 [181-321nm] = 18.2±0.3 (348 s), uvm2 [166-268 nm] = 18.8±0.3 (465 s), and uvw2 [112-264 nm] = 19.2±0.3 (694 s). The photometry is complicated by the faint SN being superimposed on the galaxy. A background region was chosen to be similar to that near the SN, and the error bars have been increased to account for the uncertainty in the background subtraction. These magnitudes are on the UVOT photometric system (see Poole et al., 2007, MNRAS, accepted [astro-ph/0708.2259]) which in the optical is close to the Johnson UBV system. They have not been corrected for extinction.
Further Swift observations are planned.