FDST spectroscopic classification of SN 2019gfm
ATel #12844; C. Frohmaier (University of Portsmouth - ICG), M. Pursiainen (University of Southampton), C. P. Gutierrez (University of Southampton), C. Angus (University of Southampton), T.-W. Chen (MPE), A. Pastorello (INAF - Padova Astronomical Observatory), C. Inserra (Cardiff University), J. Anderson (ESO), R. Cartier (CTIO), T. de Jaeger (UC Berkeley), L. Galbany (University of Pittsburgh), M. Grayling (University of Southampton), S. Gonzalez-Gaitan (CENTRA), H. Kuncarayakti (University of Turku), J. Lyman (University of Warwick), T. Muller-Bravo (University of Southampton), M. Pursiainen (University of Southampton), R. Roy (IUCAA), T. Schweyer (MPE), M. Smith (University of Southampton), M. Sullivan (University of Southampton), P. Wiseman (University of Southampton)
on 5 Jun 2019; 20:20 UT
Credential Certification: Ting-Wan Chen (jchen@mpe.mpg.de)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
The Fast and Dark Side of Transients experiment (FDST; ATel #12362) reports the spectroscopic observation of SN 2019gfm. The object was discovered by the Pan-STARRS1 Survey (Chambers et al. 2016, arXiv:1612.05560, and http://pswww.ifa.hawaii.edu ) and reported on the TNS #36099 (2019TNSTR.890....1C). We selected the target through the Lasair broker (http://lasair.roe.ac.uk/). Classifications were done with Superfit (Howell et al. 2005, ApJ, 634, 1190).
The observations were performed on 2019-06-05 using SPRAT (Piascik et al 2014) on the Liverpool Telescope (Steele et al. 2004).
Survey Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Source | Disc Mag | z | Type | Phase | Notes
PS19ave | SN2019gfm | 15:35:46.593 | +24:03:44.93 | 20190529 | PanSTARRS1 | 19.58 | 0.182 | BL-Ic | -2d | (1)
(1) The low S/N spectrum shows a blue continuum with superposed very broad and shallow Mg II and Fe II lines, with the best match of the BL-Ic SN 2003jd at -2d. The redshift is obtained by the host galaxy redshift via the SDSS which is consistent with the SN features. Given the distance implies a transient Mg ~ -20.9 mag, the light curves appear still rising from the Zwicky Transient Facility (https://www.ztf.caltech.edu/; Kulkarni et al. 2018, ATel 11266). The luminosity is brighter than normal BL-Ic SNe, further follow up observations are encouraged. We also note that the transient is located 19.5 Kpc from the galaxy centre.