Spectroscopic Classification of five optical transients with MDM
ATel #12199; Subhash Bose, Subo Dong, P. Chen (KIAA-PKU), J. Rupert (MDM Observatory), K. Z. Stanek (OSU), M. Stritzinger (Aarhus)
on 10 Nov 2018; 17:21 UT
Credential Certification: Subhash Bose (bose@pku.edu.cn)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
We report optical spectroscopic observation of five optical transients using OSMOS (range 398-686 nm) mounted on the MDM 2.4m telescope at KPNO. All targets were discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014) and ATLAS survey (Tonry et al. 2011 and Tonry et al. ATel #8680). We used SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) to identify the types and phases of SNe from spectra.
Survey Name | IAU Name | Obsv. Date | Spec. Type | Phase | Redshift | Notes
ATLAS18xye | SN 2018hoi | 2018-11-01.09 | Ia | Near Max. | 0.03903 (NED)| (1)
ATLAS18xuk | AT 2018hob | 2018-11-05.43 | CV | --- | --- |
ATLAS18xss | AT 2018hnv | 2018-11-06.06 | CV | --- | --- |
ATLAS18yaz | SN 2018hpb | 2018-11-06.11 | IIn | --- | 0.0177 | (2)
ASASSN-18yp | SN 2018hrq | 2018-11-06.15 | II | --- | 0.02706 (NED)| (1,3)
(1) The SNID estimated redshift is consistent with that of the host galaxy.
(2) The redshift is estimated using emission lines in the spectrum.
(3) ASASSN-18yp (ATel #12170) spectrum is heavily contaminated by prevalent line features from the host galaxy, making the classification challenging. Nevertheless, SNID finds a number of matches with SNe IIb.