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Spectroscopic Classification of Optical Transient with the Lick Shane 3-m telescope

ATel #12196; T. de Jaeger, T. Brink, W. Zheng, A. V. Filippenko, B. Stahl (UCB)
on 10 Nov 2018; 02:07 UT
Credential Certification: Thomas de Jaeger (

Subjects: Supernovae, Transient

We report the following classification of optical transient from spectroscopic observation with the Kast spectrograph on the Shane 3-m telescope. The target was supplied by ASAS-SN. The observation was made on 2018 Oct 12 UT. Classification was performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).

Name         | IAU Name  | RA (J2000)  | Dec (J2000)  |   z   |   Type 	  | Phase                 | Notes 
ASASSN-18xe  | AT2018hdn | 21:01:34.36 | -09:26:07.87 | 0.037 |  Ia-norm  |  around peak          | 1  

Notes: (1) The redshift is derived from the host-galaxy emission lines. Best SNID match is to Ia-norm SN 2007ca +6 days after maximum brightness.