AGILE detection of renewed gamma-ray activity from the Crab Nebula
ATel #12148; A. Bulgarelli (INAF/OAS-Bo), M. Tavani (INAF/IAPS, and Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), N. Parmiggiani (INAF/OAS-Bo), M. Cardillo, A. Ursi (INAF/IAPS), C. Pittori, F. Verrecchia, F. Lucarelli (SSDC and INAF/OAR), G. Piano , G. Minervini (INAF/IAPS), V. Fioretti (INAF/OAS-Bo), P. Munar-Adrover (UAB), I. Donnarumma (ASI), S. Vercellone (INAF/OA-Brera), E. Striani (CIFS and INAF/IAPS), M. Cardillo (INAF/IAPS), F. Gianotti, M. Trifoglio (INAF/OAS-Bo), A. Giuliani, S. Mereghetti, P. Caraveo, F. Perotti (INAF/IASF-Mi), A. Chen (Wits University), A. Argan, E. Costa, E. Del Monte, Y. Evangelista, M. Feroci, F. Lazzarotto, I. Lapshov, L. Pacciani, P. Soffitta, S. Sabatini, V. Vittorini (INAF/IAPS), G. Pucella, M. Rapisarda (ENEA-Frascati), G. Di Cocco, F. Fuschino, M. Galli, C. Labanti, M. Marisaldi (INAF/OAS-Bo), A. Pellizzoni, M. Pilia, A. Trois (INAF/OA-Cagliari), G. Barbiellini, E. Vallazza (INFN Trieste), F. Longo (Univ. Trieste and INFN Trieste), A. Morselli, P. Picozza (INFN and Univ. Roma Tor Vergata), M. Prest (Univ. dell'Insubria), P. Lipari, D. Zanello (INFN and Univ. Roma Sapienza), P. W. Cattaneo, A. Rappoldi (INFN Pavia), S. Colafrancesco (INAF/OAR and Wits University), A. Ferrari (Univ. Torino and CIFS), F. Paoletti (East Windsor RSD Hightstown and INAF/IAPS), A. Antonelli, P. Giommi, L. Salotti, G. Valentini, and F. D'Amico (ASI)
on 29 Oct 2018; 21:45 UT
Credential Certification: Andrea Bulgarelli (
Subjects: Gamma Ray, Pulsar
Referred to by ATel #: 12753
AGILE is detecting a renewed and intense gamma-ray flare above 100 MeV from the direction of the Crab Nebula.
Integrating from 2018-10-27 18:44 UT to 2018-10-29 18:44 UT, a maximum likelihood analysis yields a detection at a significance level of about 8 sigma, and a flux F = (0.9 +/- 0.2) x 10^-5 ph/cm^2/s (E > 100 MeV). This is a factor of about four larger than the average flux (2.2 +/- 0.1) x 10^-6 ph/cm^2/s (E > 100 MeV) reported in the First AGILE catalog.
Recent gamma-ray flaring episodes were recorded in ATel #12095, ATel #12105 and ATel #12123.
The AGILE-GRID detection was obtained while AGILE is observing in spinning mode, surveying a large fraction of the sky each day. The source can be monitored with the public mobile application "AGILEScience" developed by the AGILE Team, available for both Android and iOS devices.