Photometry and spectroscopy follow-up observations for AT2018gep at Xinglong observatory.
ATel #12055; Jing Wang(NAOC, Guangxi Uni.), Liping Xin (NAOC), Juanjuan Ren(NAOC), Xuhui Han(NAOC), Wenlong Dong(NAOC), Xianggao Wang (Guangxi Uni.), Yangtong Zheng(NAOC), Rongsong Zhang(NAOC)
on 21 Sep 2018; 14:41 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Liping Xin (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report the photometry and the spectroscopy observations of the optical transient AT2018gep discovered by the Zwicky Transient facility (ZTF; ATel # 12030). The multi wavelength photometry observations were performed with 0.6m GWAC_F60A telescope from 2018 Sep. 15th to 21th UT, at Xinglong observatory, operated by the National Observatories of China and the Guangxi University. The brightness is fading from 16.0 to 16.5 mag in R band during the observation epoch, calibrated by the nearby USNO B1.0 sources ( RA=16:43:42.9, DEC=41:02:40.9, R2mag=16.95).
The spectrum was acquired on 11:15:10 UT, Sep. 21th, 2018 by OMR equipped in the 2.16m telescope at Xinglong observatory. The wavelength range is from 3500 to 8600 Ang. The spectral resolution is about 10Ang. The transient shows a blue continuum associated with not only Ic-BL-like features around 4200 Ang and 5600 Ang, which is consistent with the report by (ATel #12047), but also a likely bump due to the Ca triplet at the red end of the spectrum.