Spectroscopic Classifications of Optical Transients with the Lick Shane telescope
ATel #11858; M. R. Siebert, Y.-C. Pan, R. J. Foley (UCSC)
on 15 Jul 2018; 20:39 UT
Credential Certification: Yen-Chen Pan (ypan6@ucsc.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report the following classifications of optical transients from spectroscopic observations with the Kast spectrograph on the Shane telescope. Targets were supplied by ASAS-SN, LOSS and ATLAS. All observations were made on 2018 July 15 UT. Classifications were performed with SNID (Blondin & Tonry, 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024).
Name | IAU Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | z | Type | Phase | Notes
ASASSN-18od | AT2018dda | 22:08:14.15 | -25:03:41.58 | 0.018 | Ia | +5 d | (1)
KAIT-18ad | AT2018dfy | 21:43:32.91 | +43:32:58.20 | 0.013 | II | | (2)
ATLAS18sbw | AT2018djg | 15:58:49.68 | +14:58:11.21 | 0.035 | | | (3)
When the redshift is given to 2 decimal places, it is derived from the SN spectrum. Otherwise, the redshift is determined from the host galaxy.
(1) We measure a Si II 6355 velocity of -10,800 km/s.
(2) We measure a H alpha velocity of -8,900 km/s.
(3) Blue and featureless continuum.