Polarimetric monitoring of the MAXI J1820+070 in optical and near-infrared wavelengths
ATel #11855; Yamanaka, M., Nakaoka, T., Kawabata, M., Takagi, K., Sasada, M., and Takahashi, H. (Hiroshima University)
on 15 Jul 2018; 07:06 UT
Credential Certification: Masayuki Yamanaka (masyamanaka@hiroshima-u.ac.jp)
Subjects: Infra-Red, Optical, Black Hole
We have performed the imaging polarimetric monitoring observations
of MAXIJ1820+070 in optical and near-infrared wavelengths using
the Hiroshima Optical and Near-InfraRed camera (HONIR; Akitaya
et al. 2014) attached to the 1.5-m Kanata telescope at the
Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory (HHO) on Jun 24.7, Jun 25.7 and
Jul 11.6.
We measured the degrees of polarization (PD) of 0.7+/-0.1 (%),
0.9+/-0.2 (%), and 0.9+/-0.3 (%) on Jun 24.7, Jun 25.7 and Jul 11.6
in the R band, respectively. These are consistent with those presented
These PD are consistent with those presented
in the previous reports (ATel #11445). We also measured the
near-infrared PD of ~0.9 on Jul 11.6 in the Ks band.
We roughly estimated the polarization angle in the range of -10 -- -20
degree in the R band.
These results indicate that the PD did not significantly change before/after
the state transition around the beginning of July 2018 (ATEL #11820).